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Total 562 documents matching your query.

141. RE: Seat Upholstery Questions (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 02:10:43 -0400
Seat job is not difficult. It's well descibed in the Porter's boot How to purchase and restore an MGB. Cheers, Hans Upholstery kit instructions? Have never seen one of those. I do the whole interior,
/html/mgs/2001-04/msg00255.html (7,913 bytes)

142. RE: A sad day (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 09:40:33 -0400
I'm still looking for the pin as well.... Cheers, Hans '71 BGT It has a pin in the side of it that must be pushed in while pulling off the knob. It's just like the mechanism that holds the heater co
/html/mgs/2001-04/msg00507.html (7,639 bytes)

143. RE: New owners information (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2001 10:34:46 -0400
Hi Philip, Nice to see an Englishman in USA.... Perhaps we might see eachother when I try to come over somewhere in June. It was nice with lots of listers in the area. Look at Bud Kruegers website: h
/html/mgs/2001-04/msg00512.html (8,438 bytes)

144. RE: still having troubles (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2001 10:32:00 -0400
Hi Rene, Did you measure the pressure of each cyl.? Looks like not all cyl's are running well, so check if all sparkplugs really are working. The irregular idling indicates the engine propably is not
/html/mgs/2001-04/msg00548.html (8,829 bytes)

145. RE: Uncountable Snowflakes (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 03:23:48 -0400
Talking about snow: It April and we have had several snow and hail showers this morning including thunderstorm. Temperature just above freezing makes one unhappy. Hope sunday will be dry when attendi
/html/mgs/2001-04/msg00569.html (6,992 bytes)

146. RE: A New MG (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 09:41:00 -0400
Story has been confirmed by the Rover import company in the Netherlands. Availability not known yet - I assume late 2001. Cheers, Hans Let us know when this happens, Hans, as we're ALL going to want
/html/mgs/2001-04/msg00576.html (6,835 bytes)

147. FW: Thanks (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 02:18:14 -0400
IMHO taking pistons out of the carbs does not influence the cylinder presure whatsoever. It might be of influence of the problem Rene's GT has though. A stuck or bad moving piston might be a propable
/html/mgs/2001-04/msg00613.html (7,943 bytes)

148. RE: Spline Grease and Overdrive Lubrication (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 04:46:09 -0400
Spline grease = "copper grease". Good experience and keeps the rust out. Cheers, Hans The o/d uses the same oil as the gearbox, is filled/levelled and drained at the same points (but there is a drain
/html/mgs/2001-04/msg00617.html (8,323 bytes)

149. Great MG weekend (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2001 09:18:32 -0400
I cannot resist to share my MG joy last weekend: Saturday great spring wheater and the springflowerparade went on. Great show - lots of people saw a fantastic parade. So sad a very nice looking BRG
/html/mgs/2001-04/msg00706.html (6,746 bytes)

150. RE: Wiring basics (score: 1)
Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2001 03:16:11 -0500
I have repaired several bullet connectors - provided you use a soldering iron with sufficient power - not the one used on radio etc. electronics. 30 Watts power is best. Cheers, Hans Neil, That's wh
/html/mgs/2001-03/msg00104.html (8,085 bytes)

151. RE: 67BGT carpeting/interior directions? (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 02:08:15 -0500
Hi Dave, It should be in the archives of about two years + now I received a lot of help from several listers with this work. My advise to dig into the archives and try to find combinations on carpet
/html/mgs/2001-03/msg00148.html (7,594 bytes)

152. RE: serious electrical problems/help (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 02:13:30 -0500
Hi Greg, Not to scare you, but best looking at this story: remove the battery connections and start the job by removing all "wrong" electrical stuff. Lots of electrics DPO's have done often are based
/html/mgs/2001-03/msg00149.html (8,386 bytes)

153. RE: 44 Degrees!!!!! & stuck brake bleeders - extremes! (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 02:27:21 -0500
I just got the following message from my mother company - you US guys really have some extremes overthere - here in the Netherlands is a little frost - sunny spells (just today) later some showers t
/html/mgs/2001-03/msg00221.html (7,860 bytes)

154. RE: Heater removal (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 03:23:44 -0500
Been there - did this fight. Have the air director cable loosened. Make this fastened again is a hard job, you'll need patience and small fingers - perhaps a child can help... All screws tightening
/html/mgs/2001-03/msg00303.html (8,013 bytes)

155. RE: Heater removal (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 12:53:54 -0500
Hi Ken, Just as I wrote you had the same story. Aint this funny! The thick seal if still intact can be reuesed. It is NLA. Mine died, while I was trying to get the darn heater out. Yes you must have
/html/mgs/2001-03/msg00327.html (9,776 bytes)

156. RE: Leather versus Vinyl (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 12:56:13 -0500
Beware of originality issues and last but not least the status of your Cheers, Hans Leather is the tougher solution. It is stronger and in my opinion a better solution -- independent of what the Xter
/html/mgs/2001-03/msg00330.html (8,890 bytes)

157. RE: K&N or not/ now snowblind (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 10:41:38 -0500
What snowblind! Snowdrops, Crocus and Daffodils are blooming overhere. Allright the wheather is a bit drizzly, but temps are around 12 deg. C! Good luck! Cheers, Hans Car still Buried in Barn behind
/html/mgs/2001-03/msg00443.html (7,338 bytes)

158. RE: Screensaver: (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 02:07:32 -0500
For those who love an active MG logo - instead of the dull sandclock on your screen, i have a rotating MG logo for your waiting moments.... Cheers, Hans '71 BGT Hi Friends: Anyone know where I can fi
/html/mgs/2001-03/msg00570.html (7,149 bytes)

159. RE: Duplicate posts, List related, not MG related (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 02:11:57 -0500
Yep - got these as well.... Clogs one's mailbox quite Yah, but when is it going to stop ??
/html/mgs/2001-03/msg00571.html (7,939 bytes)

160. Echoes (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 02:21:31 -0500
This becomes annoying. The message hereunder dated March 8 5:08 PM also was mailed to me on March 8th 5:38 PM!!!!! May this echoing be stopped please? Cheers, Hans MGOC has a remanufactured seal. --
/html/mgs/2001-03/msg00572.html (10,953 bytes)

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