- 281. Re: Occupation (score: 1)
- Author: DOUG ODOM <popms@thegrid.net>
- Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 08:59:33 -0800
- Glen; Thank you very much for telling me what really did happen after I lost it. I know I should know but I had my eyes closed most of the time. In fact, every orifice in my body was closed very tigh
- /html/land-speed/2000-11/msg00689.html (16,347 bytes)
- 282. Re: TH350 (score: 1)
- Author: DOUG ODOM <popms@thegrid.net>
- Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 18:44:36 -0800
- Tom; I have run a TH350 since I built my car. I hope you have the good luck with yours as I have had. I built both of the ones I run. One for the E motor and one for the C motor. Do you use the rever
- /html/land-speed/2000-11/msg00745.html (7,791 bytes)
- 283. Brag (score: 1)
- Author: DOUG ODOM <popms@thegrid.net>
- Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 12:15:04 -0800
- List; When my wife saw my cutup nose and cheeks from my tip over she looked at me and said "well that settles it", so after having been married to my wonderful wife for 38 years I thought maybe she h
- /html/land-speed/2000-11/msg00758.html (6,797 bytes)
- 284. Occupations (score: 1)
- Author: DOUG ODOM <popms@thegrid.net>
- Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 12:15:52 -0800
- Doug Odom: Born 4-12-41 in Watertown, S.D. Came to Los Angeles as a baby. Started my love affair with race cars going to the midget races with my parents. Right after the war they were a big thing in
- /html/land-speed/2000-11/msg00759.html (8,946 bytes)
- 285. Re: roll cage (score: 1)
- Author: DOUG ODOM <popms@thegrid.net>
- Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 12:16:25 -0800
- Larry; I can tell you how I would build it. That does not mean it the right or only way. But take it from a guy that just tipped over 3 1/2 times at 170 MPH without a mark or sore spot on my body. Go
- /html/land-speed/2000-11/msg00760.html (7,825 bytes)
- 286. Re: GAS UP (score: 1)
- Author: DOUG ODOM <popms@thegrid.net>
- Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 19:10:57 -0700
- Dan; Now aren't you glad you came to the party after all? Every body has a great time and I ran into a guy I worked with in 1963-64. The old timers that I know still can't believe how much people res
- /html/land-speed/2000-10/msg00018.html (8,784 bytes)
- 287. Re: Walter Mitty Goes to the WOS (score: 1)
- Author: DOUG ODOM <popms@thegrid.net>
- Date: Wed, 04 Oct 2000 19:51:02 -0700
- Keith; I know you had to fight someone to get a suit fire suit like that away from them. Did she fight hard? Doug
- /html/land-speed/2000-10/msg00086.html (18,903 bytes)
- 288. Fire Suit (score: 1)
- Author: DOUG ODOM <popms@thegrid.net>
- Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000 19:14:28 -0700
- Wes; I'm Sure I saw Keith's purple fire suit on TV last week. On the show COP'S. Now I don't think the gal wearing it was a racer but I'm sure it was his suit. Doug Odom in big ditch
- /html/land-speed/2000-10/msg00115.html (6,623 bytes)
- 289. Stolen Truck & Trailer (score: 1)
- Author: DOUG ODOM <popms@thegrid.net>
- Date: Sat, 07 Oct 2000 21:01:54 -0700
- List; Stolen from the Red Roof Inn this morning in Dallas, Texas. 2000 Red Ford dually truck with 4000 miles and Red Sooner aluminum trailer with no decals or markings. Inside Bishop sprint car and a
- /html/land-speed/2000-10/msg00157.html (6,966 bytes)
- 290. Re: WOS autopsy (score: 1)
- Author: DOUG ODOM <popms@thegrid.net>
- Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 20:24:42 -0700
- Tom; I have run a th350 I built for the last 5 years with no problems. (now the damn thing will split in half next run) Have run both and without the converter. I look in the pan every year and find
- /html/land-speed/2000-10/msg00273.html (13,018 bytes)
- 291. Stolen Truck & Trailer (score: 1)
- Author: DOUG ODOM <popms@thegrid.net>
- Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 07:59:14 -0700
- List; The Dallas police found the stolen truck and trailer. The trailer was empty. Later the owner on his own found the sprint car and most of the other stuff. Maybe the guys in dallas on the list wi
- /html/land-speed/2000-10/msg00278.html (6,972 bytes)
- 292. Re: WOS autopsy (score: 1)
- Author: DOUG ODOM <popms@thegrid.net>
- Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 08:26:56 -0700
- Dick; TCI makes front drive kits for the powerglide and TH-350/400. All that is require is a flange on the crankshaft to connect the input shaft and front pump to the engine. There is no clutch setup
- /html/land-speed/2000-10/msg00279.html (16,120 bytes)
- 293. Re: WOS autopsy (score: 1)
- Author: DOUG ODOM <popms@thegrid.net>
- Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 12:41:24 -0700
- Dave; I have seen or read about such a setup some time ago. I think it was a drag racer deal. Can't remember the exact details. Sorry. Doug with CRS
- /html/land-speed/2000-10/msg00294.html (17,965 bytes)
- 294. Crankshaft (score: 1)
- Author: DOUG ODOM <popms@thegrid.net>
- Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 09:44:51 -0700
- List; In cleaning up the shop this weekend ( I know, I don't clean up I just move things around) I came across a crank I had forgotten I had. GM steel 350 chevy 1182 offset ground to 3-9/16 stroke. W
- /html/land-speed/2000-10/msg00338.html (6,685 bytes)
- 295. Re: Little screws and tubless tires (score: 1)
- Author: DOUG ODOM <popms@thegrid.net>
- Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 16:28:10 -0700
- Mayf; Correct. On roundy round dirt cars where the rules won't allow bead locks they drill the wheel rim and run small screws that go into the tire about 1/2 inch. This keeps the bead from slipping o
- /html/land-speed/2000-10/msg00375.html (9,145 bytes)
- 296. Fuel line (score: 1)
- Author: DOUG ODOM <popms@thegrid.net>
- Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 18:48:52 -0700
- List; I have a car here that the fuel line is plugged up with what looks like very thick molasses. I have heard the stories about sugaring a gas tank for years. I have never seen one first hand. Now
- /html/land-speed/2000-10/msg00460.html (7,214 bytes)
- 297. Re: Fuel Line (score: 1)
- Author: DOUG ODOM <popms@thegrid.net>
- Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 07:45:54 -0700
- Tom. I will try and make time today to work on it. The gas IS very old and smells like sh-t. I'll let you know if something works. Thanks, Doug
- /html/land-speed/2000-10/msg00482.html (7,275 bytes)
- 298. Car Names Explained (score: 1)
- Author: DOUG ODOM <popms@thegrid.net>
- Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 19:44:20 -0700
- Car Names Explained AUDI - Always Unsafe Designs Implemented BMW - Big Money Works Bought My Wife Brutal Money Waster Bimbette Motor Weapon Break My Window BUICK - Big Ugly Indestructible Car Killer
- /html/land-speed/2000-10/msg00574.html (8,101 bytes)
- 299. Re: New Oils ? (score: 1)
- Author: DOUG ODOM <popms@thegrid.net>
- Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 21:33:53 -0700
- Tom; I know that some of the NASCAR engine builders have been doing a lot of testing with some new oils. They are very soft spoken about if they are making any more HP or not. In my years I have foun
- /html/land-speed/2000-10/msg00578.html (7,423 bytes)
- 300. Re: Chev big block help needed (score: 1)
- Author: DOUG ODOM <popms@thegrid.net>
- Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 08:24:58 -0700
- Dick; What is the cast in number on the back part of the block on the slant under the dist. On one side it will be a big # like 3999290 or 3902466, like that. On the other side of the block will be a
- /html/land-speed/2000-10/msg00644.html (8,738 bytes)
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