John, I think you've opened up a thread here that could fill many volumes, not just one book ! The combined auto antics / racing experiences of the membership of this list must have many, many amazin
To the many fine folks on this list, many of whom I have met at the five Speedweeks and one El Mirage meet I was fortunate enough to have attended, and some I met at various other car meets and event
Hi Bob ! About five or six years ago, not sure which, Tony Nancy was our honored guest at the annual Charlestown ( RI ) Dragway reunion, back when it was still held in Warren, RI, along with the beau
John, I still have my old slide rule kicking around that I got when in my freshman year in high school ( ' 49 - ' 50 ) ...... batteries never included nor needed ! MY own batteries sure don't seem to
Neil : If not the very first, Col. John "Babe" Stapp was, indeed, of the very early Rocketsled Riders. The extreme "G" forces were experienced on both the acceleration and deceleration phases of the
Hi Chris Down Under ...... Copper wire used to be the hot set-up, especially for supercharged / turbo'd engines back a few years ago ...... but possibly something new & higher - tech has replaced thi
RIGHT, Bob !!! HOWEVER ......That Wisdom is TRUE at EVERY Oval Track in EVERY State, too !!! ( even EVERY Country ) ......... Those Laws of Physics NEVER take a Break ! Bruce
WHAT'S THIS ??? Fuel Checks On Racing Pigeons ??? Let's All be Thankful Land Speed Racing Remains an Amatuer Sport and Hobby ...... I SPOTTED THIS IN A NEWS CLIP TODAY....... Sort of Funny, but also
Forgetting such incidentals as type of fuel used / normally-aspirated or not / classification and body style, resulting in major aerodynamic advantages / monetary expenditure / and utilization of ele
Maybe somebody should clue this guy in about Bonneville & Maxton : Minnesota Trooper Writes 205 MPH Ticket WABASHA, Minn. (Sept. 21) - With a State Patrol airplane overhead, a motorcyclist hit the th
Right, Tom ..... I thought of Slim, too, at first reading that Than I thought, Naaaah, but maybe he knows the guy and tuned his bike ! Not many true hardcore racers do that stuff on public roads afte
NO, Bob ! I watched the whole thing in live time yesterday . Very Interesting Event opening up a whole new array of possibilites in Space. I did take notice that the Rutan boys have a billionaire on
Sorry to say, Glen, that I will not be on the Salt this year ..... has been so busy being crew chief on Zappetini's unblown fueler that he didn't get a new motor built for Black Radon ..... It will b
Thanks for those words, Gary ! These quotes are along the same lines, and should be appreciated by builders, doers, and achievers of the many and varied projects and goals we seek as humans ....... W
Hi John ..... You might try to contact an old 60s drag racing fellow class competitor of mine in the gasser ranks, Ralph Ridgeway. I believe he went on to hold some NHRA records in the modified produ
My buddy at the other end of the state, and fellow list member,Bob Swanson, sent me a heads-up on this radical chopped and channeled coupe for sale on eBay ...... this A Bone is a bit lower than most
Hey Keith ..... You might try the McMaster - Carr catalog or website ..... Let the rivet shank project above the metal surface ( or washer ) the same height as the rivet's diameter . Rivet sets of th
Will Rogers, who died in a plane crash with Wylie Post in 1935, was probably the greatest political sage this country has ever known. Here are a few of his quotes ....... 1. Never slap a man who's ch
Chris, Walt, List : One of my New England buddies just sent me a Heads-Up on this interesting '55 Ford up for grabs on eBay ...... at first glance it looked like just another early 60s custom with a
Since most of us can and do appreciate One-of-a-Kind or highly modified vehicles, whether for racing, street, show, or just for kicks, why not check out the Discovery Channel program tomorrow night a