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Total 374 documents matching your query.

61. Roof Chopping - Competition Coupe (score: 1)
Author: "" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 14:24:44 -0500
Keith and list, A long winded question was blocked - so here is the shorter one, as roof chopping is almost impossible to undo. Does the inevitable 'leaning' of the A, B and C pillars inwards (toward
/html/land-speed/2005-02/msg00381.html (7,553 bytes)

62. GT Cars vs Smart? (score: 1)
Author: "" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 14:48:30 -0500
Am I getting the hang of your rules? As a Mod Sports car class entry is intended for cars "that are modified beyond the production sports cars as accepted for GT class". And GT class is for those ve
/html/land-speed/2005-02/msg00386.html (7,881 bytes)

63. Comp Coupe - 'Chopping' (score: 1)
Author: M Pittwood <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 08:42:54 -0500
You asked for a new topic Keith. Please bear with me list as I explore what I think I know and what I do not know about SCTA & ECTA rules - which is where the list comes into its own ............. T
/html/land-speed/2005-02/msg00408.html (9,557 bytes)

64. Those feeling unloved - not receiving? (score: 1)
Author: M Pittwood <>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 08:08:22 -0500
I have received the 'test' messages from two list members, but do not know if I have missed any important postings. Malcolm Pittwood, Derby, England
/html/land-speed/2005-02/msg00504.html (6,404 bytes)

65. Aerodynamic assessment (score: 1)
Author: "" <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 15:25:39 -0500
An option if you have the computing power - and the raw data needed by the program - is to use Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) on the whole vehicle. The fastest car in the world was designed by t
/html/land-speed/2005-01/msg00216.html (6,944 bytes)

66. THAT Hot Rod Magazine (score: 1)
Author: "" <>
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2005 08:00:38 -0500
Keith, Tonya, David and List At Last. The January issue of Hot Rod was on the top shelf of the newstand today. Knowing that David's article about the Camaro at Bonneville was inside I reached up to g
/html/land-speed/2005-01/msg00283.html (7,757 bytes)

67. Keith Turk - maybe he's turning into a Brit? (Non LSR mostly) (score: 1)
Author: "" <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2005 09:41:46 -0500
"Keith Turk is steadily changing .... to a Brit" ??? Having started as an Austin Healey lover and owner, an admirer of Malcolm Campbell and Donald Healey on the flats .. .... then a record holder in
/html/land-speed/2005-01/msg00360.html (8,125 bytes)

68. Can you define what is "Ford" (score: 1)
Author: "" <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 08:26:07 -0500
We now know that Bob D is an Anglophile who just happens to have been delivered in to the land of the free - so he benefits both ways - good motors (and what a list of desirable Brit cars it was) an
/html/land-speed/2005-01/msg00366.html (9,428 bytes)

69. SCTA/BNI as World Record Authority (score: 1)
Author: "" <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 09:20:29 -0500
I have posted a topic on the website on the latest LAN article available from that site about the FIA and World Record Authority. The article in 'Fuel for Thought' is flawed in its at
/html/land-speed/2005-01/msg00367.html (7,405 bytes)

70. SCTA etc (score: 1)
Author: M Pittwood <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 07:21:16 -0500
My lastnight response seems to have been too large, or I left the trailer, and has not got through. The final point was in fact a question:- "Would the SCTA/BNI sanction World Records for ALL types
/html/land-speed/2005-01/msg00386.html (6,826 bytes)

71. SCTA/BNI and FIA (score: 1)
Author: M Pittwood <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 11:31:58 -0500
Keith, Dave and List Yes we have arrived back where the discussions of this group were some years ago. What is different is that the SCTA/BNI does appear now, with LAN's 'Fuel for Thought' as the onl
/html/land-speed/2005-01/msg00392.html (9,039 bytes)

72. SCTA & FIA (score: 1)
Author: "" <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 17:23:12 -0500
John's five points raise issues of the differences in organising "record attempts" against a speed racing event. The SCTA/BNI organises two land speed racing events for its members. Whilst the FIA o
/html/land-speed/2005-01/msg00443.html (9,760 bytes)

73. Almost LSR (score: 1)
Author: M Pittwood <>
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 10:46:53 -0500
For the first time I have posted a photograph of my LSR car (the Rickman Metisse) from the mid 90's on I am wearing my firesuit and helmet for the benefit of those who want to throw t
/html/land-speed/2005-01/msg00470.html (6,632 bytes)

74. The Metisse & Coal (score: 1)
Author: M Pittwood <>
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 12:02:29 -0500
Dave and list Reference the picture of the Metisse. The British Coal sponsorship was for the safety items on the car - Chutes, belt, helmet, etc - because they did want me back in work in one piece.
/html/land-speed/2005-01/msg00473.html (6,938 bytes)

75. SCTA/BNI & World Records (score: 1)
Author: M Pittwood <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 12:44:23 -0500
Answering a few comments form the last 24 hours. The FIA list shows that inspite of streamliners being the fastest class the International records are held by a variety of vehicles from a range of c
/html/land-speed/2005-01/msg00495.html (8,794 bytes)

76. Christmas (score: 1)
Author: M Pittwood <>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2004 08:04:13 -0500
Everyone have a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year break. For those who will be racing in '05 - achieve the goals you have set for yourself but do so safely. Looks as though the USA may see m
/html/land-speed/2004-12/msg00368.html (6,585 bytes)

77. Babs (score: 1)
Author: M Pittwood <>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 12:18:31 -0500
There is some suggestion that the damage to the head of J G Parry - Thomas was due to the turnover of the vehicle and meeting the sand surface as the rear wheel collapsed, rather than from the drive
/html/land-speed/2004-11/msg00071.html (6,618 bytes)

78. BNI International Records - operating rules. (score: 1)
Author: M Pittwood <>
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 10:36:57 -0400
Now that the SCTA/BNI have moved from two way FIA international operating procedures at the World Finals to their own International two 'same direction' (away from I 80) runs, does anyone have an e
/html/land-speed/2004-10/msg00058.html (7,544 bytes)

79. BNI Runs at WF - what did you see? (score: 1)
Author: M Pittwood <>
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 08:38:11 -0400
Can anyone observing the International runs describe the starting technique of the Buckeye Bullet - did they push off with a truck using the same gearing that they had for the SCTA long course? What
/html/land-speed/2004-10/msg00151.html (7,715 bytes)

80. Malcolm - home and on-line (score: 1)
Author: M Pittwood <>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 03:41:18 -0400
This one is not time elapsed but the server problem has delayed it a bit. Just back at the computer after a ten day visit to the USA. Apologies to the racers at Bonneville - I had meetings in West W
/html/land-speed/2004-09/msg00242.html (7,067 bytes)

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