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Total 60 documents matching your query.

1. Lucas Switches... (score: 1)
Author: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 22:36:37 -0500
Is there any kind of Lucas Parts ID & Interchange manual online? I have a bunch of Lucas 3-postion switches with the following different numbers... 31946B 34281D 34544D 34544B 34943A They appear to
/html/alpines/2005-11/msg00020.html (6,396 bytes)

2. Sunbeam Alpines & tigers in Print... (score: 1)
Author: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 13:20:30 -0400
If anyone cares or likes pictures or keeps track... ...the October 2005 issue of Thoroughbred and Classic Cars has a Buying Wisedom Guide which features the Alpines and Tigers. Prominently pictured i
/html/alpines/2005-10/msg00010.html (7,373 bytes)

3. Re: Sunbeam Alpines & tigers in Print... (score: 1)
Author: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 14:02:01 -0400
You would be correct... Best Tiger = 16,000 pounds ($28,200) It's amazing how I didn't notice the mistake until after the post was sent! Same thing usually happens to me after I send stuff to my prin
/html/alpines/2005-10/msg00011.html (8,786 bytes)

4. Sunbeam Calendar for 2006? (score: 1)
Author: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 16:35:59 -0400
The year is ending...anyone have any interest in me continuing to put a Sunbeam calendar on my website for 2006? I do have pictures for January, February and March 2006...but after that I have none.
/html/alpines/2005-10/msg00014.html (6,876 bytes)

5. Calendar Pictures... (score: 1)
Author: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 22:20:44 -0400
A number of people sent me pictures some good and some not so good...mainly the size of the pictures has been too small. I have a couple cars I think I can use but need more! I will review what I ge
/html/alpines/2005-10/msg00015.html (7,064 bytes)

6. 2006 Sunbeam Calendar (score: 1)
Author: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 13:17:17 -0400
I don't have much time right now (12-15 hour work days are killing me) so this email will be short. Don't send any more car pictures to me unless requested...I have enough for the next 2 years!Every
/html/alpines/2005-10/msg00019.html (6,742 bytes)

7. Online Sunbeam Calendar... (score: 1)
Author: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 20:35:55 -0400
Finally got September up on my website...I think it's worth the wait, 2 cars for the price of one! I would love to park either one in my garage! main Index:
/html/alpines/2005-09/msg00005.html (7,421 bytes)

8. Re: Online Sunbeam Calendar... (score: 1)
Author: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2005 23:51:48 -0400
You got me must do alot of Ebay...I think I have bought from you before! Paul Check out the new British Cars Forum:
/html/alpines/2005-09/msg00008.html (7,892 bytes)

9. Battle of The Brits Car Show Pictures... (score: 1)
Author: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 10:25:17 -0400
Hello All, For anyone who is intestesed I posted some pictures of this event... Also you can find my main index at...
/html/alpines/2005-09/msg00030.html (7,116 bytes)

10. Moving website...and new calendar... (score: 1)
Author: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Mon, 01 Aug 2005 10:45:07 -0400
For those of you wondering what happened...I moved my Tiger website to... It appears I have only lost one section (Battle of the Brits 2003) and I plan on recreating i
/html/alpines/2005-08/msg00001.html (7,288 bytes)

11. My website and Sunbeam calendar (score: 1)
Author: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 23:06:32 -0400
It has come to my attention that people are having trouble reaching my website to get their July calendar. Try using the link below to the main page...
/html/alpines/2005-07/msg00010.html (7,277 bytes)

12. RE: Fw: Trademark application (score: 1)
Author: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 23:09:59 -0400
It would be a shame for this to happen...hard to believe it could... Paul Check out the new British Cars Forum:
/html/alpines/2005-07/msg00011.html (10,791 bytes)

13. RE: wiring question (score: 1)
Author: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 00:06:52 -0400
What are the pitfalls of the wiring job? Is it the harness itself? or the routing of the wires? There really isn't much to these cars (verses more modern cars). I am looking at going with one of the
/html/alpines/2005-07/msg00127.html (8,247 bytes)

14. Now online your May Sunbeam Calendar... (score: 1)
Author: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Wed, 04 May 2005 20:12:32 -0400
Hello All, Several people have emailed me about my calendar and when May would be online. Well unfortunately I was having some computer and server issues lately BUT I am pleased to announce May 2005
/html/alpines/2005-05/msg00014.html (7,686 bytes)

15. Wiring Harnesses (score: 1)
Author: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Fri, 06 May 2005 11:23:56 -0400
Hello All, I am looking for a wiring harness for my car and I don't care about it being stock and wondered if any one out here in cyberland had any experiences with any aftermarket companies. Price a
/html/alpines/2005-05/msg00016.html (7,990 bytes)

16. Re: Wiring Harnesses (score: 1)
Author: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Sat, 07 May 2005 22:03:20 -0400
I have talked to a couple people with Alpines who have bought EZ Wiring harnesses and thought they were good but they haven't installed them and none of them were experts on the subject, so who knows
/html/alpines/2005-05/msg00024.html (10,018 bytes)

17. Non Sunbeam Content...MGB Limo... (score: 1)
Author: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2005 08:17:13 -0500
I need to stop eating late at night since I am having weird taking a Sunbeam front and rear clip and grafting them together to make a 2-wheeled trailer. Maybe I will sketch that up. Any
/html/alpines/2005-03/msg00031.html (6,882 bytes)

18. Re: Restoring a Car or other Vehicle (score: 1)
Author: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 22:35:12 -0500
Stephen's car to me is a "restification" (restoration/modification) or resto-mod if you like. It's a super nice car but deviates from original. I think certain sacrifices have to be made such as selt
/html/alpines/2005-02/msg00019.html (11,168 bytes)

19. March Sunbeam Calendar Now On Line... (score: 1)
Author: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 17:16:24 -0500
Hello All, I added March to my website a couple days ago but Hotmail has been acting up real I am just getting around to emailing everyone. To find out whose car it is, visit the link below:
/html/alpines/2005-02/msg00048.html (7,504 bytes)

20. Looking for Alpine Pictures... (score: 1)
Author: "Paul R. Breuhan" <>
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2005 14:42:06 -0500
I recently put up a webpage for my Tiger and thought it would be fun to make up a calendar for 2005 that had all Alpines and Tigers...12 months worth of Sunbeams! You can find the info directly at t
/html/alpines/2005-01/msg00015.html (7,705 bytes)

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