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References: [ +from:brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz: 92 ]

Total 92 documents matching your query.

41. Re: Halogen headlamp upgrade (score: 1)
Author: Bernard Robbins <brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz>
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 07:34:42 +1300
Hi Dave, I've recently upgraded to halogens also - very worthwhile if you do a lot of open road night driving! As I understand it, the pilot is a little 3-5W bulb in the lamp itself. The idea is at n
/html/6pack/2000-11/msg00081.html (8,955 bytes)

42. More on 2nd Gear Synchros (score: 1)
Author: Bernard Robbins <brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz>
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 11:06:18 +1300
Hi Jim, I've recently done bearing and synchros in my saloon Gbox. I got a kit from Rimmers in the UK. It wasn't overly expensive. A friend who used the same kit several years ago has done around 25,
/html/6pack/2000-11/msg00104.html (7,096 bytes)

43. Searching for Tony Gordon (score: 1)
Author: Bernard Robbins <brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz>
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 11:12:52 +1300
Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm trying to get in touch with Tony Gordon. He is the dedicated soul who has recently converted his TR6 to PI spec. I have a complete Lucas injection system for him which we we
/html/6pack/2000-11/msg00105.html (6,863 bytes)

44. Re: Intake Port Spacing Question (score: 1)
Author: Bernard Robbins <brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz>
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 10:37:18 +1300
Hi Don, Hmmm, narrower intake spacings... I'm not aware there are any differences on the 2500 engines (not that I'm an expert mind). However, I thought there may have been a difference between some o
/html/6pack/2000-10/msg00048.html (8,173 bytes)

45. Re: Overdrive issues (score: 1)
Author: Bernard Robbins <brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz>
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 16:19:54 +1300
Hi Mark, I had a similar problem with my OD on my '6 also. It turned out to be the electrial (several faults). A couple of checks... 1. Earthing... Check the condition of the earth wire from the sole
/html/6pack/2000-10/msg00099.html (9,678 bytes)

46. Re: Turn signal alignment (score: 1)
Author: Bernard Robbins <brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 10:19:04 +1300
Hi Mitch and Gary, Hmmm, I had this problem also. There is a spline on the steering rack which I adjusted. It is a bit fiddley, but basically I undid the clamp by the firewall and the spline on the s
/html/6pack/2000-10/msg00114.html (8,721 bytes)

47. Yet More on Turn signal alignment (score: 1)
Author: Bernard Robbins <brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2000 07:30:19 +1300
Hi Guys, Me thinks it needs a bit of clarification - the rotational adjustment is in the spline where the column meets steering rack at the bottom rather than by the fire wall at the top. You need to
/html/6pack/2000-10/msg00118.html (8,167 bytes)

48. Colour of hubcaps?? (score: 1)
Author: Bernard Robbins <brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 10:13:23 +1300
Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm in the process of cleaning up the hub caps on my '73. I intend to paint them black as I understand this is the original colour for this year (and I like it). Can anyone tell
/html/6pack/2000-10/msg00133.html (7,000 bytes)

49. Colour of hubcaps?? (score: 1)
Author: Bernard Robbins <brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz>
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 09:04:02 +1300
Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm in the process of cleaning up the hub caps on my '73. I intend to paint them black as I understand this is the original colour for this year (and I like it). Can anyone tell
/html/6pack/2000-10/msg00137.html (7,001 bytes)

50. Re: TR6 - Ugly Dash Syndrome & gauge question (score: 1)
Author: Bernard Robbins <brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz>
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2000 07:18:39 +1200
Hi Richard, I have done the same on my TR6, and found also that the gaskets had basically turned to dust. I did pry the tabs on the small aux gauges, but only enough to allow the bezel to rotate. I t
/html/6pack/2000-09/msg00031.html (8,826 bytes)

51. Re: Por 15 (score: 1)
Author: Bernard Robbins <brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 08:25:46 +1200
Hi Mark, I've just finished using some POR 15 on my TR6. This is great stuff. The instructions are pretty simple as to the application and precautions. A couple of notes.... Wear rubber gloves. If yo
/html/6pack/2000-09/msg00132.html (8,288 bytes)

52. Re: '73 - '74 dash sold, also woodcraft question (score: 1)
Author: Bernard Robbins <brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz>
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2000 12:37:57 +1200
Hi Rick, I did my dash over the Christmas holidays. It still had the original varnish on it. To remove, I used a standard hot air gun used for paint stripping. The main thing is to take your time and
/html/6pack/2000-08/msg00022.html (10,216 bytes)

53. Re: Complaints about my muffler (score: 1)
Author: Bernard Robbins <brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz>
Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2000 14:00:37 +1200
Hi Mike, I had a similar problem with my neighbours when I first got my '6. After listening to my neighbour moan about the noise for half an hour, I offered to take the guy for a ride in it around th
/html/6pack/2000-08/msg00091.html (7,308 bytes)

54. More on security (score: 1)
Author: Bernard Robbins <brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 08:24:43 +1200
Ladies and Gentlemen, I've used a very simple variation on the standard kill switch. On my TR6PI I put a self latching relay in series with the electric fuel pump. When I get into my car, I have to t
/html/6pack/2000-08/msg00097.html (7,308 bytes)

55. More on Half shaft lubricants (score: 1)
Author: Bernard Robbins <brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz>
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 2000 07:22:42 +1200
Mike and Kai, A friend with a Triumph saloon car which he has owned from new has always used a graphite based grease in the rear half shafts. Now the car has around 450,000 miles on the clock and the
/html/6pack/2000-07/msg00027.html (9,582 bytes)

56. TR Seats and Mazda Miata seats.... (score: 1)
Author: Bernard Robbins <brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz>
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2000 16:25:19 +1200
Dale and Dick, I'm not 100% sure, but I had heard the Mazda MX-5 (or Miata) seats almost bolt straight in and if you get the Jap import seats, they have speakers in the head rests (I'm sure every car
/html/6pack/2000-07/msg00046.html (8,322 bytes)

57. More on Overdrive troubles (score: 1)
Author: Bernard Robbins <brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 07:26:16 +1200
Hi Tim, This may sound a bit silly, but check the fore and aft movement of your OD column switch. I had a similar problem with the od dropping out randomly. It turned out to be the lever hinge pin in
/html/6pack/2000-07/msg00113.html (6,745 bytes)

58. Re: TR6 PI air cleaner bracket question (score: 1)
Author: Bernard Robbins <brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 07:51:26 +1200
Hi Tony, Glad to hear the PI conversion is going well. I've just finished rebuilding a metering unit I picked up (I picked up a complete PI system this weekend for $NZ30 or about $US15!!). There is a
/html/6pack/2000-07/msg00115.html (8,464 bytes)

59. No reverse gear!!! (score: 1)
Author: Bernard Robbins <brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 10:32:35 +1200
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a small problem with my saloon Triumph. I have no reverse gear! The gearbox is the same as my '73 TR6 and has a J-type overdrive. I reversed halfway up my drive, heard a
/html/6pack/2000-07/msg00119.html (7,256 bytes)

60. Yet more on Unleaded (score: 1)
Author: Bernard Robbins <brobbins@wlg.nec.co.nz>
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2000 07:34:52 +1200
Hi Mark and Dick, Here in NZ, we went to unleaded four or five years ago and phased out the normal leaded petrol. The reasons for the change were mainly due to politcal lobbying by green peace and th
/html/6pack/2000-07/msg00136.html (9,732 bytes)

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