Sorry Allen, but I think you're getting paranoid. Most lists allow
anyone to join. I don't really think we're going to get a whole lot
of people joining who don't have at least some interest in
Magnettes. What are we afraid of? There are people who are, for a
lack of a better word, shy. They join quietly. The don't
contribute. They just lurk. But over time, they might start to feel
comfortable and one day you get "this is my first post... I'm
thinking about getting a Magnette." Allen, have you ever denied
anyone access to the list? I can see how if someone turns out to be
a problem, they can be removed from the list. But I can't really
think of a situation in which someone new comes along and we say turn
them away.
-Steve T.
At 11:14 PM 10/21/2013, Allen Bachelder wrote:
>I don't think people should be allowed on our list without some sort
>of administrative control. Granted, I don't know of anybody being
>denied membership, but I think we need some evidence of a
>person's sincerity: either a recommendation from a current member
>or some reasonably convincing email exchange with an administrator
>or other current member. If newbies can simply sign themselves in,
>we know longer know who we are addressing and the group ceases to
>feel like a club. I really feel a need for some control here...
>Does this make sense or am I just getting a bit paranoid in my old age?
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