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Calling all GT6/Vitesse gearbox gurus!

To: Triumphcars <Triumphcars@onelist.com>, Triumphs <triumphs@autox.team.net>, spitfires <spitfires@autox.team.net>, vtr@autox.team.net
Subject: Calling all GT6/Vitesse gearbox gurus!
From: Douglas Frank <frank@zk3.dec.com>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2000 11:12:42 -0500
Organization: Center for Post-Apocalyptic Computing
Reply-to: Douglas Frank <frank@zk3.dec.com>
Sender: owner-vtr@autox.team.net
(that address list oughta just about cover it :-)

I just finished dismantling my '73 GT6's gearbox last night.  Or more
precisely, it finished falling apart.  Comparing the bits that fell out,
against the ideal represented in the workshop manual (the Bentley reprint
anyway-- the "Red Book"), p. 2-202 fig. 1, I think I've identified all the
little bodies, and can notify their next of kin down at Spitbits.com.

However, one thing puzzles me.  There's a flat washer-like thingie, steel,
about 1.5 inch dia., which has an annular groove machined in one face of the
washer-- on one side, that is.  My question is, which side?
I think this is part no. 23 in the drawing.  In the Haynes book, figure 6.3
part no. 16 seems to be it also (Haynes' doesn't correspond exactly to what I
have, however).  Towards which end of the box should this groove face?

Douglas Frank  Compaq Computer Corp.  Friendship, n.
ZKO            110 Spit Brook Rd.     A ship big enough to carry two in
603-884-0501   Nashua, NH USA 03062   fair weather, but only one in foul.

Hark! The Herald's axles swing,
42 to 60, PING!
Pieces to earth, falling wild,
God help me, just one more mile!
Joyful, yes! it's not a FIAT
Join the Triumph in the skies;
With th' angelic host exclaim,
Wot's that noise? Christ not again!

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