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TR6 Wanted

To: "VTR" <vtr@Autox.Team.Net>, "Triumphs List" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: TR6 Wanted
From: "Keith R. Stewart" <kstewart@wwdc.com>
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 1998 16:46:37 -0500
Reply-to: "Keith R. Stewart" <kstewart@wwdc.com>
Sender: owner-vtr@Autox.Team.Net
Seasons greetings everyone!
Just got back from some Christmas shopping in the Triumph (top down in
December, in Canada) sun was shining....all is well with the world <BG>

Last night I was asked by a neighbour (that's Cdn for neighbor <S>) if I
knew of any TR6's for sale. I said I'd post a note to the list and see what
was available. Apparently his friend is looking for something already done
and in fine mechanical and physical shape because he is not 'mechanically
able' (boy will that have to change!). Preferably, the car should be in
Ontario Canada so he can have someone check it over for him. If you know of
anything (or have anything your self) available, please E-Mail me and I
will pass it on. TIA.


    _       _
   | \     / |        Keith R. Stewart
   |  \   /  |        75 Camden Road
   |   \_/   |        London, Ontario
   | 62 | TR4|        N5X 2K2
   | 67 |TR4A|        Canada
   | 70 |Spit|        Home:    (519)660-1916
 __|    |Mk3 |__      E-Mail:  kstewart@wwdc.com
|  |    |    |  |
 \T \___|___/ H/
  \ R I U M P /

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