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Re: Rallye Info

To: Richard Ceraldi-ERC004 <Richard_Ceraldi-ERC004@email.mot.com>, vtr@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Rallye Info
From: "R. John Lye" <rjl6n@virginia.edu>
Date: Mon, 03 Nov 1997 14:38:12
In-reply-to: <"Macintosh */PRMD=MOT/ADMD=MOT/C=US/"@MHS>
Reply-to: "R. John Lye" <rjl6n@virginia.edu>
Sender: owner-vtr@Autox.Team.Net
At 10:04 AM 11/3/97 -0600, Richard Ceraldi-ERC004 wrote:
>Rallye types,
>   I am looking for some information on time, speed, distance rallye's. Are 
>there any websites inside (or outside) the VTR that help in explaining how 
>they work and how to organize one? Seeing how this is usually an event at 
>the national convention some of our members would like to learn how to be 
>more competitive in this type of rallye. 

I don't know about web sites, but you might try contacting your
local SCCA region.  Most regions have at least a rudimentary
rallye program.

good luck,

John Lye

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