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Re: tech articles

To: "Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)" <Andrew.Lindberg@CORP.honeywell.com>
Subject: Re: tech articles
From: "Charlie B." <cb1500@erols.com>
Date: Sat, 06 Sep 1997 12:33:18 -0400
Cc: vtr@Autox.Team.Net
References: <071D934106ECB102*/c=US/admd=MCI/prmd=Honeywell/o=MN-MTA/ou=MSMail/ou=CORP/s=Lindberg/g=Andrew/@MHS>
Reply-to: "Charlie B." <cb1500@erols.com>
Sender: owner-vtr@Autox.Team.Net

You might also want to contact Ken Streeter or Andy Mace regarding tech 
articles they receive via chapter newsletters. Theoretically, they each 
receive newsletters from all the clubs registered as a VTR chapter. 
Maybe they could tear out or copy articles they deem worthy of 
reproduction in the VTR. That may at least give you a flow of 
information from which to pick and choose.

Good luck,
Charlie B.
Capital Triumph Register

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