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To: "triumphs@autox.team.net" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net> (Return requested)
From: "Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)" <Andrew.Lindberg@CORP.honeywell.com>
Date: 05 Sep 1997 15:42:51 -0500
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The VTR (Vintage Triumph Register) recently appointed me to a position as a 
technical editor for The Vintage Triumph (their quarterly newsletter).  I'm 
not 100 percent certain what this means to VTR, but to me it means that I'm 
to make sure that TVT has a continuing supply of articles on the 
restoration, maintenance, and modification of Triumph automobiles.

I can do an occassional article (see swing axles in the last TVT), but I 
can't do everything.  And I don't even think it would be best if I did.  I 
edit a little newsletter here in Minnesota (Triumphs & Tribulations) and 
I've found that our best issues are often the ones where I don't write 

Hence, the reasons for this posting:

1. Due to work requirements, I had to cancel my subscription to the Triumph 
mailing list.  Would some one (or more) of you like to assume the 
responsibility of forwarding me pieces that you think have the potential of 
becoming a tech piece.  I'd prefer hard facts to WAGs, but use your 
discretion.  Please include the original author's mailing address so I can 
contact them for more info, clarifications, and permission to use the 

2. During the time I was on the list (several years) I was impressed by the 
breadth of information which the group collectively possesses.  There may or 
may not be the "Great American Novel" hiding out there, but there sure as 
heck are any number of top grade tech pieces.  I'm asking you to spend a 
little time thinking about what you know that would benefit fellow 
enthusiasts, and to consider putting it down on paper (or e-mail).  Again, 
the topic areas are restoration (what was it like originally and/or how do I 
get it back there), maintenance (how do I keep it running right and looking 
nice), and modification (how do I make it go better and/or faster).  And any 
combination of the preceding.  Don't know how to start or to organize your 
material?  Contact me, I can help.  Don't think you can 
spell/write/whatever?  Contact me, that's what editors are for.

Thanks in advance for whatever help you can offer.

 -- Andy Lindberg (TR3 and GT6 in Minnesota)

advertising section:  Come to Winona, Minnesota next year as the Vintage 
Triumph Register's annual convention celebrates the 75th anniversary of the 
first Triumph automobile.

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