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Re: VTR both at Carlisle in Bloomington, IL

To: Mark Bryon Joslyn <mbjoslyn@prairienet.org>
Subject: Re: VTR both at Carlisle in Bloomington, IL
From: billsohl@planet.net (Linda and Bill Sohl)
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 23:37:26 -0400 (EDT)
Cc: vtr@Autox.Team.Net
Reply-to: billsohl@planet.net (Linda and Bill Sohl)
Sender: owner-vtr@Autox.Team.Net
>        Help Andy and Bill,
>                                I am thinking about setting up a booth at 
>the Carlisle event here in Bloomington this fall(Sept. 4-7) but am unsure 
>how to proceed. Would VTR be interested in paying for a space? $80 for a 
>10 x 30 spot. Could I get a supply of flyers, travel breakdown brochures,
>and Magazines by then? Would anyone else be willing to help man the booth?

For the $80, we only need 3 new members to just about
break even.  The risk seems minimal anyway.  We have to try these
things to see if that approach is of any value from a PR/new membership

Flyers are at a low for now, but we should be getting new ones
soon so what we have can probaly be handed out anyway.  Extra
magazines should be available too.

Another thought too is to offer an incentive to join at the show by
giving the new member who joins then a copy of issue 66 and
only haveing the actual membership begin with issue 67.  That's pretty
much what should happen with people who join at the National now.

Still another thought is to have a supply of the TSOA badges to sell.
Al Stryeski could send Mark 10 or 15 and then Mark could sell them to
anyone at the event for the $25 per price.  

Bill Sohl
VTR Public Relations

Linda and Bill Sohl -- Budd Lake, NJ -- billsohl@planet.net

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