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Thrust Washers

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Thrust Washers
From: Carol Zingone <JRHoffman@worldnet.att.net>
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 08:52:37 -0400
Cc: vtr@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: J.R. Hoffman
Reply-to: Carol Zingone <JRHoffman@worldnet.att.net>
Sender: owner-vtr@Autox.Team.Net
Fellow TR owners and enthusiasts,

First, thanks to everyone who offered advice (and beer) regarding my 
recent post on replacing thrust washers.  I've decided on the following 
course of action, based on the input I received and a study of the 
Bentley Bible last night.

1) Check tranny fluid level (tranny was replaced 4/97)
2) Check over all clutch linkage, lines, etc. for looseness and leaks  
3) Check end-float with more decisive method to get *truer* reading
4) Check and replace the thrust washers via the oil pan.

        Bentley gives a pretty straight-forward overview of the 
process,and thanks to Clark for faxing me the pages from Six Tech...of 
course, these things always seem easier on paper with exploded diagrams.

Hopefully, I'll be able to get Sybill on jackstands this weekend.

Thanks again, and I'll be sure to post the findings (gulp) assuming it's 
what I would consider fair to middlin news. 

Carol Zingone
74 TR6 -- Sybill The Bitch

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