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Re: [Vintage-race] (no subject)

To: Mike/Donna Carpenter <>,
Subject: Re: [Vintage-race] (no subject)
From: charles christ <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2008 10:34:38 -0400 (GMT-04:00)
a 45 minute tow versus a 9 hour tow dictated my decision this past weekend.   i 
ran weatherly hillclimb and while hurting my car(mechaniclaicaly) , had more 
fun than the gas bill towing to one of my favorite tracks VIR could have been.  
 fuel cost , to tow has over shadowed entry fees or distances in my case.  i'd 
rather been at VIR!!!!!   i fear that is what evryone has been experiencing is 
fuel prices ,   
it really gripes me.  i have the equiptment , and the gas prices are so high 
i'm cutting back my involvement in what i love due to the prices of literlally 
"getting there"!  at one time entry prices "bothered" me.  now it's darn gas 
prices to tow too an event and home! we apologise for not being there and 
offering the hospitalitality we offer fellow competitors!  

saab 93F  #251

-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike/Donna Carpenter <>
>Sent: Jun 9, 2008 8:35 AM
>Subject: Re: [Vintage-race] (no subject)
>   There  would  have  been alot more in your class and the other classes
>   had  this been two years ago.  There were so many vast empty spaces in
>   the paddock that use to be full.
>   I  sincerely hope that Beaverun and PVGP has the highest turnouts ever
>   as  I will for sure be there.  I doubt that I go back to VIR as it has
>   shrunk considerably in the last two years and it is just the factor of
>   the  drive  and  to  watch  modern (muscle) cars 1999 and newer out on
>   track kind of blew it.  I choose to go to vintage races to see vintage
>   race cars - that is '50s and '60s model cars.
>   I was with some friends while at VIR and their consensus turned out to
>   be that the air show was better than the races.  The air show actually
>   was  pretty  cool.   However, in the past that was not needed as their
>   was so many neat sports racers and exotic early racers to look at.
>   I am not saying this to dis VIR as I have been there so many times and
>   I  like the race track.  It just hurts to see it dying down along with
>   the  stupidity  that  occurred at Summit Point for the last two years.
>   For  the last two years, Mid-Ohio has not had near the turnout that it
>   use to either.  I hope that this pattern ends and things pick back up.
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