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Re: [Vintage-race] A-H 50th Anniversary

To: "Roger Sieling" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: [Vintage-race] A-H 50th Anniversary
From: "Bob Harrington" <>
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 09:36:38 -0500
.Roger Seiling wrote " Passports
weren't an issue then, but we copied the front pages of our passports
too. Today they are both expired and I don't know if they would be
required. With all this preparation, we never were asked for anything
other than drivers license going into Canada or coming home."

At this point the passport issue for land crossings is not fully resolved. 
With the backlog and delays in issuing passports the deadline is a moving 
target, it keeps changing and moved back.  The last I heard it was now mid 
summer, but best to check with US immigration.

On another note, those planning on a long drive to Mosport should be aware 
that the following week SVRA is featuring Sprites at Mid-Ohio.  You could 
get two events in, in one trip.
Bob H. 

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