> I went through the shifting dilema when I started towing. After consulting
> my owner's manual and some supposedly knowledgeable on the tranny, it said
> that towing in DRIVE (overdrive on my Tahoe) was OK. So, I typically tow in
> DRIVE on level ground, but do downshift to 3 when going up hill. I have not
> been good about getting off the throttle when shifting...in fact I've often
> shifted with the cruise control still engaged...guess I shouldn't do this??
My two cents here -- I don't tow a lot. I try to avoid it every chance
I get. My car typically gets to the track on a 53' transporter with
five other cars supported by the same crew. Yeah, I'm one of "them".
So sue me...
*BUT* this summer, I got to tow a Porsche 356 Carrera II in street
trim weighing about 2000 lbs on a U-Haul AutoTransport trailer (twin
axel, electric brakes, heavy as shit, probably 2100 lbs) from Jackson, WY
to Portalnd, OR going **OVER** Teton Pass (about 7400 feet). Pulled
behind a lowly '96 Land Rover Discovery with 5-speed.
I didn't cook the trans, or the clutch. Pulled really well using the
really crummy U-Haul trailer setup on the factory stock hitch. The only
issue was pulling the pass itself, where I had to drop into 4-Low to
make the grade. Even that was only at about 40 MPH max. Didn't feel too
bad, that was about what the big semis were doing as well. As one might
expect, I did keept up in the R's -- drop out of the power band and
you're heading backwards in a big hurry.
The trip in the main convinced me that with decent hitch setup and a
very light trailer that the Disco could make an OK tow vehicle. And
once again persuaded me that I don't want a slushbox in my truck.
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