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Re: Taki Theodoracopulos

To: "Pat Ryan" <>, <>,
Subject: Re: Taki Theodoracopulos
From: "Charles Christ" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 21:55:41 -0400
oscar?  another infamous guy from my father's past!  i still have a auto
world orange mclaren jerobee radio controlled car stashed in my basement!
i always loved oscar's "cross eyed ferrari" with the chevy small block in it
when he was running the hills.
*sigh* i bet it is restored somewhere as an all original car
...................never been molested or raced....owned by a little old oil!
if cars could only talk......

carrying on the family tradition of testing the limits of the human ear's
threshold of pain...driving 2 stroke saabs...   :)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pat Ryan" <>
To: <>; <>; <>;
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 7:15 PM
Subject: RE: Taki Theodoracopulos

> I ran into Polish Racing Driver Association founder, Oscar Kovaleski, at
> the SVRA Watkins Glen event yesterday.  He seems to be in very good
> health and spirits.  Still talking a blue streak.
> He is very excited about the Mark Donohue Reunion feature that SVRA and
> Watkins Glen announced for next year's event.  He asked me to encourage
> all Donohue car owners and interested drivers from Mark's era to make
> their plans now to attend.
> Please spread the word.
> By the way.  The Watkins Glen town festival was huge.  By far the
> biggest attendance ever and very enthusiastic, many tens of thousands,
> not just the locals anymore.  150 race cars, the limit, participated and
> drove the six mile old course at high speed on city streets after 2
> hours on main street display.  Every car was surrounded by hundreds of
> admirers.  People were literally jammed curb to curb for eight blocks.
> They were still partying strong on the streets at midnight.  The cars
> left at 6.
> Pat Ryan
> Sunoco Camaro
> Elva Courier (Mark's first race car)
> Lola T-70 Sunoco Special
> >
> >
> >   I do remember a interview of one of the TV commentators who said he
> >   had a nightmare about having to cover a race out involving him, Tony
> >   Adamowicz (?spelling) and another contemorary long named driver
> who's
> >   name escapes me...
> >
> Probably Oscar Kovaleski....
> I think Taki most prominently appeared in Esquire.
> Tom Butters

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