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RE: Taki Theodoracopulos

To: <>, <>, <>,
Subject: RE: Taki Theodoracopulos
From: "Pat Ryan" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 18:15:59 -0500
I ran into Polish Racing Driver Association founder, Oscar Kovaleski, at
the SVRA Watkins Glen event yesterday.  He seems to be in very good
health and spirits.  Still talking a blue streak.

He is very excited about the Mark Donohue Reunion feature that SVRA and
Watkins Glen announced for next year's event.  He asked me to encourage
all Donohue car owners and interested drivers from Mark's era to make
their plans now to attend.

Please spread the word.

By the way.  The Watkins Glen town festival was huge.  By far the
biggest attendance ever and very enthusiastic, many tens of thousands,
not just the locals anymore.  150 race cars, the limit, participated and
drove the six mile old course at high speed on city streets after 2
hours on main street display.  Every car was surrounded by hundreds of
admirers.  People were literally jammed curb to curb for eight blocks.
They were still partying strong on the streets at midnight.  The cars
left at 6.

Pat Ryan
Sunoco Camaro
Elva Courier (Mark's first race car)
Lola T-70 Sunoco Special
>   I do remember a interview of one of the TV commentators who said he
>   had a nightmare about having to cover a race out involving him, Tony
>   Adamowicz (?spelling) and another contemorary long named driver
>   name escapes me...

Probably Oscar Kovaleski....

I think Taki most prominently appeared in Esquire.
Tom Butters

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