Listers.........We have a very nice bright red race car for
sale here in the Portland Oregon area. Reason for sale is a
seperation of parties, which is a good deal for somebody
looking for a good race car. I took a bunch of pictures of it
last monday, but have not figured out just how to send them
over the internet yet, so I shall attempt to give a
discription. Their is actually 2 other cars that come with
this........both are later model with wind up window's and
full rear springs. One is a real flintstone flyer! No floor
in the boot........what is a spring supposed to attach to?
The other is good and does have good potential, straight nose
and nose is painted, the body is stripped to the shell,
preped for painting. Since the car has sat outside there is
some surface rust, but not much. Now on to the good
stuff.........The early, nicely painted, red in color sprite
is all complete, and does look good! Full, race legal roll
bar. Fire extengisher All nessairy instruments/guages, fuel
cell, chassis has welded reinforcements,one drawback is the
fittment of the frontline front suspension {tube shock
conversion}, Has the rivergate {or Paul A's} 5 speed
transmission. Has a 1275 engine which is on the engine stand
upside down and oil pan off. I did notice that all main cap
bolts were not run down as well as the rod caps also not run
down ........just checking bearing wear? Don't know. The
transmission adaptor was installed tho. The crank has been
extensively reworked/ knifed edge etc. There is lots of spare
parts to go with all of this..........3 1275 blocks, 2 heads
gobs of misc parts, oh, how about a single axle trailer?
Sound too good to be true? Well it is true and we have a very
short window of time to get it all out of there. New property
owners move in about the 25th of this month. Price for all of
this????????????? Make a resionable offer and I am sure you
will be happy. A side note ......Anybody remember Colin
Sparks? Remember the red sprite that was so fast at
Thunderhill several years ago {short track at that time}?
Well this is that same car!!!!!!!!!
Bob Walker
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