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FW: Willow Springs-O.W.R.

To: "''" <>
Subject: FW: Willow Springs-O.W.R.
From: "Ryan, Richard" <>
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 12:13:15 -0800
A friend just sent this to me.

Dick Ryan  ex. 24022 
Risk Management Dept. 
SM 960/4 
FAX (650)312-5830 


To All-
I just called WSIR concerning the Free Testing for open wheel cars, and yes
it is true that they will be having free open test and race 12/26-12/30. If
you want to join OWR(open wheel racers) it will be $75.00 for next year, but
this year is Free! I feel that anytime you can get free track time you
should take it; it's for the big track and Streets. If you have any
questions refer to their web site Willow Springs International
<> Raceway under news releases.
Yours in Racing
Ken #82

ps if you are going to go they would like you to call so they know how many
are showing up. 1-661-256-6666 

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