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Re: VDCA at Roebling Road

To: "Richard Hardison" <>,
Subject: Re: VDCA at Roebling Road
From: "Don Marshall" <>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 14:47:49 -0500
----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard Hardison"

> We have just returned from an outstanding race weekend with VDCA at
> Road.  This three day event provided extensive track time, real racing
> collegiality, some great food and the opportunity to make some new

We also had a great time with VDCA this weekend, and I regret deciding not
to run the handicap race.  It looked like lots of fun and I'll do it next
time.  Personally, I spent a good part of the weekend admiring the back of a
red Alfa that I could stick with but couldn't pass.  Lessee, where's my

If anyone accidentally got a picture of the green TR4 #11 (group 8) that you
can email to me, I'd appreciate it.  I would most likely show up in shots of
your favorite car while it was lapping me.

Regards, Don

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