> In a message dated 9/18/2001 1:40:15 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Would sanctioning and operation of
> the Monterey weekend by a respected group such as CSRG really "destroy" the
> event? >>
> Fellow Listers:
> I just received my Autoweek today and saw the article mentioned. While I'm
> still quite depressed by the events of last week, this did cause the corners
> of my mouth to turn up slightly.
> As many of you know, I am not fond of Mr. Earle. Those who know me accuse it
> of being sour grapes, which is certainly partially true (How many of us LIKE
> being treated unfairly, and rudely?). But, since I've gone public with my
> distain for the Monterey Historics, I've found MANY other racers who have
> confided to me their own reasons for disliking Mr. Earle and his event.
> While it has become the defacto "MECCA" of Historic Racing, there are
> numerous chinks in the armor, and perhaps it is time for a change. I, for
> one, would welcome such a major change at Monterey. It couldn't have happend
> to a more deserving guy (AND his deserving wife).
It's odd how different folks perceive things differently. I never
thought I'd particularly like the Historics since I'm not fond of
crowds. But I did try to get into the Historics and was accepted for
the 1999 event. Before actually attending, I thought it would be a one
shot deal, but as it turned out, I really enjoyed it, so I applied again
last year, was accepted and enjoyed it, as well. My Elva Courier has a
not particularly distinguished history as a SCCA racer, so it was a real
honor to be there amongst some of the actual cars that we see in the old
footage of legendary events. Although clearly among the rabble of the
racing set, I nevertheless felt well-treated and well taken care of at
these events. Money wise, if you add up what you actually get, it's a
bargain, apart from the cost of lodging in Monterey in August.
While I have tried to avoid being a squeaky wheel to the promoters, I
have nevertheless had questions that I raised over the years. Both
Debbie and Steve have been patient and gracious with me--and they had no
special reason to need to be--so I really don't understand your personal
irritation with either of them.
> Nothing would be more ironically satisfying to me, than to see someone like
> CSRG, or some other more democratic organization take over the event. At
> least, it might be operated fairly, and the racers treated more equally
> (13/13, Stirling).
I thought Mr. Moss was required to sit out for a year after his incident
in 1997, and didn't drive in 2000 following his incident in 1999.
> And, as many of you west coasters know, the accessibility
> of Laguna Seca (or the Mazda Raceway at Laguna Seca) might be opened up for
> other vintage organizations's events. Other than the SCCA event in the fall,
> other groups have not been able to secure desireable dates there, due in some
> degree to Mr. Earle's relationship with track management. CSRG has tried and
> failed, with the only date available a rain-soaked winter venue.
Do you have any facts to back this up, or are you simply going with your
feelings on this one? Vintage racing is not a zero-sum game. I find it
hard to believe that Steve Earle is the reason that CSRG doesn't do
Tom M
Elva Courier #43
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