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RE: Monterey problems

To: "'Derek Harling'" <>,
Subject: RE: Monterey problems
From: James Holland <>
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 14:34:46 +0100
Derek,thank you for your insight.Now the supply is more expensive the demand
has receeded - grids are down this year.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Derek Harling []
> Sent: 19 September 2001 14:16
> To:   James Holland
> Cc:   Vintage Race
> Subject:      Re: Monterey problems
> While change often causes some inconvenience for some your comment about 
> Silverstone is a bit like the local drama club complaining it can't 
> afford to put on their show on Broadway.
> Just be thankful you have a dozen or more circuits (tracks) within 1/2 
> days travel in the UK.  Here in the eastern US we are blessed with some 
> great (and historic) tracks but they are often 1 to 2 days drive away. 
> And, yes, costs are going up - it's called supply and demand.
> Derek
> James Holland wrote:
> >Sounds like the same sort of attitude we are up against in the U.K. with
> >Octagon who have taken a 15 year lease on Silverstone thanks to Bernie
> >giving them the GP to run and now small clubs find it totally uneconomic
> to
> >put an event on.
> >

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