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Re: Pedigree, etc

Subject: Re: Pedigree, etc
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 17:14:58 EDT
In a message dated 19/07/01 2:03:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

>     Don't in-fringe on my "Color Me Pink " Yenko driven by Donna Mae
> Mims....who is still a delight to talk with (and drives a pink Corvette!).

But other than that estimable lady, surely a pink car with advertising such 
as I suggested would be a phallus-y, subject to penile consequence?

Really, though, unless our actual cars were decorated period in a specific 
way, I am against allowing faux period ads - we aren't a money series after 
all, and I see any such addition as an unwelcome exercise in pretending to be 
something we are not, or if there is actual money changing hands form a 
modern sponsor, in commercialism that at least SHOULD be foreign to vintage 

Just my humble opinion, of course.

(who HAS to get back to work now.....)

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