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Real vs. Memorex?

Subject: Real vs. Memorex?
From: Joe Blow <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2001 16:40:14 -0700 (PDT)
So- what is a "real" car?  It now seems to largely
depend on how much money others have invested, or now
think their cars are worth.

Because of this, once someone has a "real" car,
verified by whatever haphazard means existed at the
time, it becomes in their best interest that there are
no more found.  (Example - it was much easier to have
you car verified as real twenty or thirty years ago
than it is now, as many of the cars were not worth a
small fortune, and therefore people were not as
worried, or just didn't care, if the cars were what
they were represented as).

Certainly there are real cars, and there are air cars
which are now accepted as real cars, and there is
every permutation between, accepted and not accepted
as real.

Therefore, if we let the people who have "real" cars
(including real air cars) make the decisions, rather
than have clear rules, they may choose to find almost
any reasons to deny any car.

Is an ownership chain foolproof? - No
Is a logbook foolproof? - No
Are rare parts foolproof? - No
Are numbers foolproof? - No

How about all of these together - of course not, as
the ones making the decision can just pick another
reason to say no!

I personally think that SVRA has a reasonable method
to do this.  In other cases, I KNOW the results of
much of this verification is haphazard based on how
much someone knows, how many rumors are going around,
and who has the political capital to get their way.

How about rebuilding cars?  Why is it ok if a car was
rebodied thirty years ago, but not if you rebody it
yesterday?  Why is it ok of it was completely rebuilt
piece by piece over time, but not recently?

Why do most of these decision makers think it is ok to
rebody a wrecked Ferrari GTO, but not a Boss Mustang?

How about if you have clean ownership (log books,
ownership chain, bills of sale, letters from previous
owners verifying chain) and all remaining parts, so
there could be no other claim to have "that" car, but
have replaced all the missing or wrecked parts so that
less of the original remains?

How about putting a chrome moly cage in place of a
mild steel one - isn't that safer? - and if it is the
same design, there isn't a performance advantage, is

This is clearly a never ending thread!!
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