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Re: Vintage race cars built today

To: <>
Subject: Re: Vintage race cars built today
From: "Bob Schmitt" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 09:21:08 -0700
Hi all -

The whole "replicas" issue has consequences much beyond vintage racing.
Personally, I don't care what anyone does with spare parts, tubing and sheet
metal, as long as they are honest about it; otherwise we are re-writing (or
seriously muddling-up) history, at the very least.

The rare (and potentially valuable) cars seem constant targets for
"replicas.  For the Frazer Nash, it's can be even harder to keep the "real"
from the "replica", since one of the most popular models is the "LeMans

The issue isn't helped when most of the experts and authors ignore the
existence of "replicas".  This is somewhat the case with Frazer Nash, which
prompted me to add a web page on this issue - my goal with this page is to
air out the facts and representations and let history judge:

Because my car was thought to be "lost", my chassis number was "assumed" by
one of the "Replica replicas"!


> And I was recently told that of the 106 Lotus 23's made, over 400 are
> racing world wide. Since you can buy the body, frame, suspension, engine
> and gearbox as "repair parts", how can a tech inspector tell the
> difference between a good restoration and a replica?

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