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Magnesium wheels

To: <>
Subject: Magnesium wheels
From: "A.Clinton UK Racing Castings" <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2001 09:13:48 +0100
Hello vintage racers
As some of you may know we have been thinking of manufacturing and marketing
our own magnesium sand cast wheels.

This is now a reality and we are publicising our products and those of our
customers in a joint effort via the website

So if any of you need wheels for Brabham, Ferrari, Alfa, Lotus and others,
please have a look, and once in a while check back to see new additions to
the list.

Also you are the best people to know if a historic magnesium sand cast wheel
is no longer available or becoming scarce. If so then we may be interested
in manufacturing either for you as a customer or manufacturing it ourselves
provided we have sufficient input from an 'advisor' on technical details,
rim sizes, fixings, etc.

If your driving on 40 year old mag wheels treat yourself to some new ones Be
safe - Not Sorry !

Thanks for listening and I hope I havnt intruded to much.
Alistair Clinton

UK Racing Castings
Units 1-2 Thorndale Business Park
Argent Rd, Queenborough, Kent ME11 5JP
United Kingdom
Telephone 01795 585454 fax 01795 585488
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