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Beach Mk 4 sports racer info

To: <>
Subject: Beach Mk 4 sports racer info
From: "Nick England" <>
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 16:32:32 -0400
Since I finally have my 1965 Beach Mk 4B sports racer (HM) on track, I've
been inspired to dig more into the Beach and Begra sports racer history.

I have compiled spec sheets and photos of Beach Mk 4 sports racers at

I have a list of serial numbers and known car histories at

Begra info is at

I have talked a bit with Hugh Kleinpeter and several other Beach sports
racer owners and will talk to Gene Beach as well. Most of the info comes
from a list that Hugh and Gene once compiled, plus articles in Victory Lane,
Vintage Motorsport, Sports Car, and R&T.

If you have any more info about any of the cars or can provide me with any
lead to the following Beach/Begra drivers, I'd really appreciate it -
Barbara Knight (Texas)1965-
Hugh Grammer (Dallas/Ft. Worth) 1965-
Jug Latham (Texas) 1965-
Walt Mays (Texas) 1965-
Don Wands (midwest) 1975-76
John Girdler (CT / NY) 1968-69
T. Buckley (?) 1969
Bill Mundus (Detroit) 1965-68
Ken Edwards (Kansas City) 1967

Please feel free to pass this along to anyone who might be interested or
might know where to find these folks
Many thanks,
Nick England
Chapel Hill NC
(h) 919-929-4342
(w) 919-929-1903

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