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Please check out our newly updated web site about vintage

To: "" <>
Subject: Please check out our newly updated web site about vintage
From: "Brian F. Watson" <>
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 21:30:52 -0500
Please come & visit our newly updated web site. The site is a very =
detailed comprehensive documentary focusing on a 1933 Sprint Car =
including historical info & photos, restoration info & photos, action =
photos, audio clip, video clips, awards & certifications, etc. Besides =
just focusing on the 1933 Sprint Car the site compares new sprint cars =
to older ones, has new sections such as a Cyberspace-museum where you =
can see and read about other cars and an even newer section where =
visitors can add their items for sale and view items for sale. Please =
come and visit - you will not be disappointed. While you are there =
please fill out a "Feedback Form" describing to us how your visit was =
and what changes we can make to make the site even better. Thanks.

Site Address is:

Brian F. Watson

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