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RE: Rules and 'Cheating'

Subject: RE: Rules and 'Cheating'
From: Sadek Charles H DLVA <>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 12:34:48 -0500
Well said!

Chuck Sadek

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 9:35 AM

> There is an odd (to much of the rest of the world, anyway) strain of 
> egalitarianism that says that all people are created equal, not in the 
> laudable sense that all should be afforded equal opportunity, but in the
> more 
> literal sense that they really ARE somehow equal. When you see some 
> disadvantaged guy (maybe he isn't as gifted as the average guy in terms of
> intelligence, monetary means, physiognomy, or whatever), the sort of
> person I 
> am talking about rushes to state that said disadvantaged person is just as
> good as anyone else etc., often in the absence of anyone saying anything
> to 
> the contrary.
> So let me clarify - there are some people that do NOT have the skill,
> talent, 
> whatever, to race a car in a safe AND competitively fast manner. No amount
> of 
> egalitarianism will change that. But they are not lesser beings because of
> that, any more than the good regional level SCCA driver is a lesser person
> just because he will never have the wherewithal to run at the Formula 1 
> level. 
> Bill Spohn
> (who runs an MGA, for heaven's sake - bottom 25% group, if he is lucky)

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