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RE: MGB Brake pads

Subject: RE: MGB Brake pads
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 12:58:17 -0600 wrote:

>Our race group lets MGAs run with many B components, 
>including front ends, engines, trans, rears, etc. Of course, 
>when the Bs win, the A guys complain

And Bill Spohn enquired:

>>Is Steve Earle still as tight on originality? 
>>I can't imagine him allowing that sort of mod.

Hmmmm. After allowing a newly constructed replica to run the Monterrey
Historics last year under the guise of a "Cobra Daytona R" (the 'R' standing
for replica), I assume that the standards of originality are not entirely

Jim Hill
Madison WI

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