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RE: Genuine car? rather long was RE: recognition forms

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: RE: Genuine car? rather long was RE: recognition forms
From: "Pat Ryan" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2000 13:05:49 -0500
<< OK another question and we can actually use the cherry tree axe. If we
 that a pedigree is what we are buying with the axe (documented evidence of
 continual ownership) despite the fact that the head and handle have been
 replaced. What happens if the real axe head turns up and it can be proven
 be THE axe head! There cannot be two of them, so who has the real one?
 Over to you guys!
 John J Black >>

Who has the real one? ....the one who screams the loudest and has the actual
vin number, of course!  The others.. they get the ax!

Lee Raskin
Arnolt-B and 356er

No way.  The guy with the best BS wins.

(Bill of Sale)


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