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Re: marlboro races

To: Charles Christ <>
Subject: Re: marlboro races
From: Larry Dent <>
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 09:13:36 -0500
I seem to recall running a Trans Am car at Marlboro in the early 70's
but the memory is vague.

Was there ever a T.A. race there in, say 1971 or 72.  If so I was there
and as I recall we finished well.

Might have been a National, come to think of it, and I think we got
second that weekend.  We ran some N.E. divisional nationals since the
sponsor wanted more exposure than we could get in just T.A.'s

I think Warren Agor might have been first in his orange Camaro.

God that was such a long time ago and so many races since.

Still at it by the way, at 66.  running the Sports 2 at Mid Ohio
National in two weeks.  If anybody is there look me up in the "Graypower
Racing" rig.

Larry Dent

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