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Re: Liability Insurance

To: "Susan" <>, "Mark Palmer" <>,
Subject: Re: Liability Insurance
From: Brian Evans <>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 09:30:29 -0400
It seems clear, and in fact pretty understandable in many respects, that 
one's personal assumption of risk doesn't flow down to one's heirs, 
particularly when a widow may be suddenly facing some pretty fierce 
personal and financial issues.

Brian  (who isn't exactly sure what and esq. is, but who is one of the 
landed gentry of Lynchburg County)

>   As it happens a suit was just today filed in Connecticut Superior Court
>against Lime Rock et als for the fatal crash of a Skippy student last year
>by his widow.
>OK all together now, can we say "assumption of risk" ???
>Susan (esq. too!)
>PS Lee, I didn't know you were one, any good war stories?

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