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Re: Sprite Limited Slip

Subject: Re: Sprite Limited Slip
From: "Roger Sieling" <>
Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 12:10:23 EDT
I choose to use the Quaife in my Lotus Eleven because I wanted a smooth 
powere transfer, ie no clunk, because if you could se how the diff is held 
into an Eleven w/ deDion you would want it to be smooth too. That's why I 
bought a spare Quaife unit(Sprite) for my other ratios when I change from 
one course to another.


>From: Jackson Zimmermann <>
>Reply-To: Jackson Zimmermann <>
>To: "''" <>
>Subject: Re: Sprite Limited Slip
>Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 09:19:03 -0400
>While I'm not racing my Sprite, I've been using one of the Quaife LS's for
>autox duty.  I've never heard a clunk coming from my rear end since I
>swapped the pumpkin.  The improvement in grip was amazing in an autox
>setting and easily improved times by 2-5 seconds on a 1 minute course.  I
>heard plenty of clunks before I swapped the pumpkin (along with much inside
>rear wheel spinning), so the noise my have been something other than the
>LS's fault.  Were you using a Quaife or something else?  Of course a welded
>rear would work OK for a race car and be cheaper as well.
>Jackson Zimmermann
>'64 A-H Sprite

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