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Re: Magazine Collecting/ history on Don Sesslar's 64 Sunbeam

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: Re: Magazine Collecting/ history on Don Sesslar's 64 Sunbeam
From: Steven Silverstein <>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 01:38:12 -0400
I am looking for the set of 1964 and 1965 Sports Car Graphic.

Actually, my goal is to find for documentation on Don's Sesslar's  Sunbeam
Alpine which won the 1964 F-Production National Championship.  Dan
Carmichael drove this car with a number of successes in 1965.

I recently bought this car and it is in good original condition as it has
been parked in a garage since 1968.

I have found two ads that feature the car.  One was a Sunbeam ad (inner
cover of May 65, SCG) and the other was the Champion Spark Plug ad.


Steven Silverstein

on 4/28/00 1:17 AM, at wrote:

> I, too, suffer from the magazine collecting affliction. Have thousands of
> them arranged by year, etc. Am looking for issues of Sports Car, the SCCA
> magazine, from 1962-1972. Also issues of Sports Car Journal, the Cal Club
> magazine, from the 1950s. Have mags and books to trade as well.
> Thanks,
> Harold Pace
> Mallock U2 4 sale
> Devin SS

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