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'66 Sprite Project

Subject: '66 Sprite Project
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000 22:47:49 EDT

I'm considering a Sprite project and have some questions.  I'm CCing the list 
for more feedback as well.  I have a chance to buy a (I think '66 AH Sprite, 
1/4 eliptical springs and 1,100 engine).  The car is straight and nearly 
complete, lacks top and top bows.  I thought I would buy it and maybe use it 
as a daily driver in an attempt to overcome the 12-13 mph my Chevy truck 
gets.  The car is cheap ($800) but has a cracked engine block, but comes with 
another engine which we think is okay.  Good tires and lots $ spent on brakes 
and etc. recently.  The question is: is this car a good prospect as a someday 
vintage racer or should I hold out for a '67 with a 1275 motor?  Is this one 
of those cars that can go either way - 1100 or 1275 or will it be illegal in 
our group to run a 1275 in this car.  Is the 1/4 elipticals an issue?  Are 
1/2 elipes much better?  

Your thought (and anyones) are welcome,

Rod Schweiger 
'64 MGB, but thought I should have built a spridget

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