My .02 is that powder coating is not a really good idea for most race car
parts. Minor brackets or an instrument panel look really good, suspension
parts really need to be inspected. Even though the Wink has a VERY robust
design, and probably least prone to crack. I would go for the "classic"
plating, I never did quite sort out if they used chrome or nickle originally,
I used nickle for the first set, and then later just kept them painted.
Mike, ex-WDF1
> A friend recently showed me some parts he had powder coated in a "chrome"
> finish.
> I am restoring a Palliser / Winkelmann WDF-3 and had originally planned to
> have the suspension parts (suspension arms, trailing arms, etc.) nickel
> plated. I don't want to use chrome because cracks can start under the
> chrome and not be seen on the surface.
> Is there a similar problem with the powder coating not showing damage?
> Thanks in advance.
> Doug Armstrong