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Re: While on Maseratis

Subject: Re: While on Maseratis
From: "John A. Rollins" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 18:11:10 -0800
Amen to that!  Charlie is one of our "regulars" in the Florida SCCA
Vintage Program and he always seems to "just barely win" so as not to
take too much track time away from the smaller displacement cars.  Mind
you, he DOES win, but in a very sportsmanlike manner.  It makes it a lot
more fun for the spectators as well!


John A. Rollins, Vintage Race Coordinator
Florida Region, SCCA wrote:
> Just thought I'd toss in my own story.... At the first vintage race for my 65
> Ocelot DSR, someone had bought Mark Donahues Javalin. Both of us being
> novices to vintage racing, we were in the same school group. I was taken back
> to working Transam corners in the 60s and watching Mark drive it. Warbonnet
> raceway, near Tulsa.
> A couple of years ago, Charlie Kolb was in Vegas for the SEMA show and had
> brought his Bobsey. He broke a shift fork on Saturday and, being local, I got
> it welded for him that night. It was great being on the track with him... A
> real gentleman. ... Gene

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