I agree 100% with Mark.
My first sports car was a '57 Alfa which had an all-syncro gear box. No
double clutching required, at least on the street and I never ran it in
any type of competition.
That got traded on my AC Ace with the infamous Moss box. Talk about a
wake up call. Even brand new you could beat the syncro up-shifting let
alone down. I spend countless hours mastering the technique. At first I
tried to watch the tach to see that I matched the revs properly and that
sort of worked but of course you had to take your eyes off the road and
it was slow. Finally, with enough practice I got it down pat and can do
it without thinking. None of my daily drivers have manual transmissions
but when I get in the TD the shifting technique comes back at once. Same
thing for the sprint car and that has a crash box.
Bottom line: practice, practice, practice!
Dick Waite
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