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Re: Shop Floor heating

To: "Dave Scarlett @ TubeTech" <>,
Subject: Re: Shop Floor heating
From: "John Lehman" <>
Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2000 08:58:14 -0500
Sure.  There's even a computer program that does all the pump, piping and
boiler sizing calcs. Let me know where you are and I'll put you in touch
with a factory rep or wholesaler.  Wirsbo has excellent reference and design
materials and has been at it for 25 years.  Over three billion feet of PEX
tubing has been produced and used in radiant heating AND plumbing over those
25 years.

What's Tube Tech?  Are you already in this business?

John Lehman
Ohio Regional Office
J.C. Mottinger Associates, Inc.
Manufacturers' Representatives
1008 Crook St.,  Grafton, OH  44044
Ph: (440) 926-2404   Fax (440 ) 926-1194

> While we're at it, are there any exacting plans for
> doing the job? Tube spacing and size, circulating
> pump, etc.?

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