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Re: Our Sport

Subject: Re: Our Sport
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 1999 23:15:34 EDT

I'm usually just a lurker and I haven't weighed in on this thread, but it 
seems to me that in this monthlong debate, first over Moss, and then mention 
of Brabham, a big point is being overlooked.
When I first discovered vintage racing in the 1980s and wrote my book, what 
everyone told me was that the stars are the cars, not the drivers. We love to 
run these beasts now because they represent something from our past, 
something different from the cookie-cutter race cars of today.
It seems to me that we cross over a critical line when we put real race 
drivers in our cars. To theses guys, these cars we cherish are simply blunt 
objects designed to get them to the winner's circle. That's how they treated 
the cars when they were new, it's how many of them treat them now.
So how surprised should we be when Moss or someone else crunches a few cars 
in a bid to be first into a corner?
And insofar as the thrill of being on the grid opposite the likes of Bobby 
Rahal, who now apparently is a vintage race hired gun, I'll stipulate that he 
can beat me hands down any day.
I didn't get into this because I felt I was some undiscovered Jeff Gordon or 
Alex Zanardi. I got into it because I love the cars, the speed and, yes the 
competition. But it's got to be competition with people who come at the sport 
-- yes, I think it's a sport -- from the same perspective as I do, not some 
retired race driver who's trying to relive his glory days.
OK, I'll go back to lurking.

Terry Jackson
Author, Vintage Racing British Sports Cars
Driver, 65 Mustang
Miami Herald television critic and automotive columnist

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