My point wasn't really about the "shit happens" attitude. Sure, shit
happens, it's just that we shouldn't have to put up with it between the
ears of someone who was once held in high esteem. My point was more
about the dubious value of having someone pilloried. Public floggings
don't really help, except in corporate boardrooms. ;=)
Saying that our discussions of "The Moss Incident" was trial by hearsay
is a little like asking if that was really Jack Ruby on national TV
ventilating Lee Harvey Oswald. Moss screwed up on TV fer cryin' out loud.
Jim Hayes wrote:
> Bravo, Simon!
> Guys, we are all out there racing, no matter what we say, and racing can
> have consequences. If we cannot accept that "incidents" occur, we should
> not be involved. Stupid drivers should not be tolerated, but the blame
> should be placed by a board of inquiry if it is serious enough to
> warrant it, not trial by hearsay.
> Or bring back duels, an honorable way to settle arguments.(bad, really
> bad joke...sorry)
> Jim