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Re: Revive the spirit of Marlboro & Little LeMans

Subject: Re: Revive the spirit of Marlboro & Little LeMans
From: Brian Evans <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 12:29:22 -0400

Renault and Le Mans are both (obviously) french words, and when pronounced
correctly in french sound thusly:

Renault = Ren-oh,  slight emphasis on the last syllable.
Le Mans = Lu Mahn, "n" almost silent but not quite.

The debate would be the advisability of pronouncing words from one language
using another languages rules of pronunciation.  Names often become quite
amusing when this happens...

Cheers Brian
>At 11:27 AM 7/15/99 -0400, you wrote:
>>In a message dated 7/15/99 10:54:41 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
>> writes:
>><< As a follow up, we'd have to find a track announcer who knows that LeMans
>> is pronounced as it is spelled with an "S" at the end, and Renault is also
>> pronounced as it is spelled with a "T" at the end..
>>  >>
>>I don't get it. When I was in high school our family cars were a Renault 
>>Dauphine and a Pontic Lemans. How else would you say Renault or Lemans?
>>Jack Woehrle
Brian Evans
Director, Global Sales
UUNET, An MCI WorldCom Company

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