Why do you think the Italians wanted to license it so badly? All that
Russian steel rusting away on the loading docks. At least with the
British self-lubricating feature, the Factory Rust wouldn't show up
until about a week after the car was purchased. The Factory Rust was
also a feature designed to produce a steady stream of new car buyers
in the captive Italian market. ;=)
Irv Korey wrote:
> > From: Simon Favre <simon@mondes.com>
> > According to my version of world car history, the British invented Cars
> > That Leak Oil(tm). The Italians invented Factory Rust(R). The two groups
> > entered into a cross-licensing agreement to avoid a nasty legal battle
> > over patent infringement. ;=)
> The oil leaking from TRiumphs and other British cars is actually an
> innovation, a design FEATURE. The British engineers did this purposely to
> prevent the rusting of frames and other chassis components. Works great on
> my cars.