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Re: Who is best source of SVRA &/or SUMMIT POINT INFO?

Subject: Re: Who is best source of SVRA &/or SUMMIT POINT INFO?
From: Brian Evans <>
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 07:51:22 -0500
At 11:27 PM 10/28/98 -0500, you wrote:
>In a message dated 98-10-26 07:51:23 EST, you write:
> Let me ask you this...
> The car I am looking at is really a 72 in disguise.  Guy bought a 65 and
> it was so rusty that he grafted the cowl onto a 72 chassis.  Do you think
> the powers that be will keel over dead?
> Seller says everyone does it...old ones are too rusty...I don't know...

Sellers always say stuff like this (I'm a salesman, I know ;)).  If the
graft was done in, say, 1972 - then the car has history of being in this
configuration and I'd be happier with it.  Similar to a 1965 Mini being
updated in 1967 to the large taillights.  Lots of racing Mini's had that
done in period, so that they kept up with the latest fashion!  But if a 1972
tub was tricked out to look like a 1965 by replacing the dash in 1995 - then
I'd probably keep looking.  

To be specific about rules - VARAC would consider this a 1972 car.  The
manufacture date of the chassis applies.  That said, 1972 is just as good as
1965 for our historic class, so the point is somewhat moot.  


> Anything in particular to look for or do with set up?
> Ric Bergstrom,  Richmond,  VA  73-74 Midget
> Central Virginia MG Classics  WWW.CENTRALVAMG.COM
> RICHMOND BRITISH CAR DAYS ---September 18th and 19th, 1999
> Send me your snail mail and I'll get you on the mailing list.
>Sorry I'm so long in answering.  The best answer is to be up front with the
>people who will be checking out your car and making those decisions.  If they
>say no before you put all the time, energy and money in the car, better then
>than after.  Otherwise, I just don't have an answer.
>Good Luck,
Brian Evans
Director, Carrier Sales
UUNET, an MCI WorldCom Company
(416) 216 5111

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