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Film Preservation

Subject: Film Preservation
From: Clark Smith <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 11:53:20 -0800
Hi Tom,

If you choose to take them out and project them, please let me offer some
suggestions.  I'm sure you know your stuff, but I have some pretty recent
experience (I got to watch a "one last time" projection of some 1958 LeMans
footage and the entire Gordini pit was wiped out by a broken tape splice.
That was good for some tears).


Buy some Kodak Film Cleaner/Lubricant (you may have to buy a different
brand, now, because its environmentally unfriendly).  There is a constant
drying process that occurs in storage so its important to *slowly* run the
film through rewinds with the lubricant.  You may find a lot of the film is
stuck together from the pressure, especially near the core.

If you shot Kodachrome or black and white, the base is pretty strong and it
may hold up pretty well. If you shot Ektachrome (or any E-6 process),
you'll be lucky if there is any red left and it tends to be more suceptible
to scratches and breakage.

Tape splices will be really dry and fragile.  Any more than one broken
sprocket hole needs to be repaired.

These are just a few thoughs, please take them in the spirit they are
offered.  It's amazing how simple videotape has made our lives.  But then,
there's no replacement for the look of film.

Thanks for the reply.  Please write me if you have any questions.


>I have 16mm films of Sebring 57,58,59also 8mm Akron,Waterford Hills,Cumberland
>and I think Connelsville,  Haven"t looked at them in years should be worth
>some laughs.    Tom Yeager

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