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Two Scary Questions

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Two Scary Questions
From: Clark Smith <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 10:05:27 -0800
Hi All,

Well, I've got you all figured for a bunch of "Movers and Shakers" in the
worlds of racing and business. So, I have two unrelated questions:

I am giving serious thought to creating another film about motor racing in
the 1950's.  My goal is to approach a wider audience, possibly via
broadcast,to explain why this era and it cars are unique.  I have footage
to support West Coast events, and some *limited* footage for the East Coast
(Watkins Glen, some Sebring 1958, 1959),Europe (Le Mans) and Melbourne.  Of
course, I am always looking to buy/restore some film stash in someone's
basement, for which I offer several benefits to the photographer/seller in
return (think preservation and ease of viewing, not big $$$ for residuals).
My goal has always been to save these images for future enthusiasts, and a
lot of film is degrading away.  If we wait too long, all future
documentaries will be "blue and white" and we'll have to get Ted Turner to
colorize them.  What color did you want your Ferrari to be?... But I

Money is always the big problem.  I'll work on that part, wish me luck.
Its a labor of love.

My first question:  I intend to tell the story using the words of people
that have commited themselves to the era in some way.  They may be current
day collectors, period race drivers, auto dealers, spectators,
photographers,promotors, tech inspectors, mechanics....

Who would you want to represent your passion to the masses?

All suggestions must be for interviews with the currently living.  They've
gotta be able to "talk good".  Give it a little thought.  Big names like
Shelby and Moss may not be willing, or necessary to the story.  Extra
credit if you know the person well enough to introduce me (maybe its you).

Big question number two.   *Totally* unrelated, but unfortunately weighing
heavily on my mind right now:

Does anyone know a good business attorney in the San Francisco area?

I may have to begin building a case to end my 15 year business
relationship.  I'd be willing talk to an attorney anywhere to see if I'm in
left base, but the business exists in California.   Today is not an easy
day for me.

Thanks for your support either way.


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