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Re: Period Fantasy VS Reality

Subject: Re: Period Fantasy VS Reality
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 14:17:43 EDT
In a message dated 98-07-06 02:20:10 EDT, you write:
<< To me, this waters down the importance of his car.  I was just joking
 around, but I suggested he make a Devin body for some other chassis,
 perhaps less valuable than the TR3, like the Ford Fiesta.  It would protect
 a few TR3s while saving a few worthless chassis.  I never heard back...I
 honestly was only kidding around....I didn't mean to offend him.
  I would love to know more about your Dolphin as well as the LaDwari.  Will
 the Dolphin be at Monterey?
I agree with you also Clark! I imagine some of the bad kitcars I've seen:
Devins on VW chassis complete with stock motor, a full up Lola t70 on same
better to use some non-notable body design. 
I wonder If I've hit some in their reality with my comments! I, of course with
the mist of time picture the days when one (anyone) ncould race what they had
be it an OPEL record-( I actually saw one!) or their Chev powered TD (mindless
as that is!) they hardly had enough brakes for that anemic 1250 much less 5X
I got the La Dwari up at Turlock,Ca, It has a 50's ford chassis a 302 w/2
4bbls. and all the appropriate bits. It's a bit too big and heavy for racing
and of course isn't very sophisticated but is reputed to have run at some
tracks in Central California. (another fascinating subject-over time we've
raced EVERYWHERE!) I got it in a great heap and it is patiently waiting untill
I get some of the other toys out of the way. 

I'm finishing up the Dolphin Porsche now for Laguna. It is an early car and
was raced by Bruce Trenery. He and I went to driving school together and he
might have driven it there-I don't recall but he did drive some type of a VW
powered formula car.

It is really a nicely designed car but contrary to LOTUS legdened of being
fragile--TOO strong!.It was designed by John Crosthwaite of Lotus. It has a
356 SC with SOLEXES (HA no webers)! and has either a destroked crank for 1500
cc or the standard 1600cc.

 Some of the history indicates it was a formula A car and it has also run as a
I've taken it completely apart and am now re-skinning it etc.
My huckbolt shooter broke its guts last nite so I've got to see what I can do
about that.
                                 Gotta get on with it;

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